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- /*
- * This software is copyright 1992 by Robert Morris.
- * You may freely redistribute this software as shareware
- * if you do so in the same form as you got it. If you find
- * this software useful, please send $12 to:
- * Robert Morris
- * P.O. Box 1044
- * Harvard Square Station
- * Cambridge, MA 02238
- * ecognome@aol.com
- * If you incorporate any of this software in any kind of
- * commercial product, please send $2 per copy distributed
- * to the above address.
- */
- /*
- * FieldToStyled(cardflag, fieldname)
- * yields RTF for the field.
- */
- #include <HyperXCmd.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "SetUpA4.h"
- #include <string.h>
- #include "lists.h"
- int sprintf(char *, const char *, ...);
- int sscanf(const char *, const char *, ...);
- Handle HStr(char *);
- int **addfonttable();
- char *fontfamily();
- pascal void
- main(paramPtr)
- XCmdPtr paramPtr;
- {
- char **in;
- int run, len, c;
- long i, inlen;
- TEHandle teh;
- char fieldname[256], tmp[256], fname[256];
- Boolean cardFld;
- STElement *stp;
- TEStyleHandle sh;
- struct list out;
- int **fonttable, nfonts;
- char *dummy;
- int fieldID, fieldNum;
- RememberA0();
- SetUpA4();
- dummy = "Copyright 1991 by Differential Development.";
- if(paramPtr->paramCount != 2){
- paramPtr->returnValue = HStr("error : usage FieldToRTF(cardflag, fieldname)\rCopyright 1992 Robert Morris.");
- RestoreA4();
- return;
- }
- strncpy(fieldname, *(paramPtr->params[1]), sizeof(fieldname)-1);
- fieldname[253] = '\0'; /* seems to be the max field name length */
- if(strcmp(*(paramPtr->params[0]), "false") == 0)
- cardFld = FALSE;
- else
- cardFld = TRUE;
- if(isdigit(fieldname[0])){
- fieldID = atoi(fieldname);
- fieldNum = 0;
- } else {
- CtoPstr(fieldname);
- fieldID = fieldNum = 0;
- }
- teh = GetFieldTE(paramPtr, cardFld, fieldID, fieldNum,
- fieldID ? 0 : (StringPtr)fieldname);
- if(teh == 0 || paramPtr->result != xresSucc){
- paramPtr->returnValue = HStr("error : no such field");
- RestoreA4();
- return;
- }
- sh = GetStylHandle(teh);
- if(sh == 0){
- TEDispose(teh);
- paramPtr->returnValue = HStr("error : bad GetStylHandle()");
- RestoreA4();
- return;
- }
- in = (char **)TEGetText(teh);
- if(in == 0){
- TEDispose(teh);
- paramPtr->returnValue = HStr("error : bad TEGetText()");
- RestoreA4();
- return;
- }
- NewList((char **) 0, &out);
- AppendList(&out, "{\\rtf1\\mac");
- /* figure out which fonts are used */
- fonttable = 0;
- for(run = 0; run < (*sh)->nRuns; run++){
- stp = *((*sh)->styleTab) + ((*sh)->runs)[run].styleIndex;
- if(findfonttable(fonttable, stp->stFont) < 0){
- fonttable = addfonttable(fonttable, stp->stFont);
- if(fonttable == 0){
- oom:
- TEDispose(teh);
- paramPtr->returnValue = HStr("error : out of memory");
- RestoreA4();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if(fonttable == 0){
- fonttable = addfonttable(fonttable, 0);
- if(fonttable == 0)
- goto oom;
- }
- /* spit out the list of fonts, using the Mac font numbers */
- sprintf(tmp, "\\deff%u{\\fonttbl", (*fonttable)[0]);
- AppendList(&out, tmp);
- nfonts = GetHandleSize((Handle)fonttable) / sizeof(**fonttable);
- for(i = 0; i < nfonts; i++){
- GetFontName((*fonttable)[i], (StringPtr)fname);
- PtoCstr(fname);
- if(fname[0] == '\0')
- sprintf(fname, "x%d", (*fonttable)[i]);
- sprintf(tmp, "{\\f%u\\f%s %s;}",
- (*fonttable)[i], fontfamily((*fonttable)[i]), fname);
- AppendList(&out, tmp);
- }
- AppendList(&out, "}\r");
- DisposHandle((Handle)fonttable);
- run = -1;
- inlen = (*teh)->teLength;
- for(i = 0; i < inlen; i++){
- if(run+1 < (*sh)->nRuns && i >= ((*sh)->runs)[run+1].startChar){
- run++;
- stp = *((*sh)->styleTab) + ((*sh)->runs)[run].styleIndex;
- /* reset to plain style, then set the font and size */
- sprintf(tmp, "\\plain\\f%u\\fs%d",
- stp->stFont, stp->stSize * 2);
- if(stp->stFace & bold)
- strcat(tmp, "\\b");
- if(stp->stFace & italic)
- strcat(tmp, "\\i");
- if(stp->stFace & underline)
- strcat(tmp, "\\ulw");
- if(stp->stFace & outline)
- strcat(tmp, "\\outl");
- if(stp->stFace & shadow)
- strcat(tmp, "\\shad");
- if(stp->stFace & 0x80) /* HyperCard's grouped text */
- strcat(tmp, "\\hcgroup");
- #if 0
- if(stp->stFace & condense)
- strcat(sname, "condense,");
- if(stp->stFace & extend)
- strcat(sname, "extend,");
- #endif
- strcat(tmp, " ");
- AppendList(&out, tmp);
- }
- c = (*in)[i];
- if(c >= ' ' && c < 0177 && c != '\\' && c != '{' && c != '}'){
- AppendListChar(&out, c);
- } else if(c == '\r'){
- AppendList(&out, "\\par\r");
- } else {
- sprintf(tmp, "\\'%02x", c & 0xff);
- AppendList(&out, tmp);
- }
- }
- AppendList(&out, "}");
- TEDispose(teh);
- TrimList(&out);
- if(out.h == 0){
- paramPtr->returnValue = HStr("error : out of memory");
- RestoreA4();
- return;
- }
- paramPtr->returnValue = out.h;
- RestoreA4();
- }
- Handle
- HStr(str)
- char *str;
- {
- Handle newHndl;
- newHndl = (Handle) NewHandle((long) strlen(str) + 1);
- if(newHndl == 0)
- return(0);
- strcpy((char *) (*newHndl), str);
- return(newHndl);
- }
- int
- findfonttable(tb, f)
- int **tb; /* a table of fonts for RTF */
- int f; /* the Mac font # */
- {
- int n, i;
- n = GetHandleSize((Handle)tb) / sizeof(int);
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
- if(f == (*tb)[i])
- return(i);
- return(-1);
- }
- int **
- addfonttable(tb, f)
- int **tb;
- int f; /* the Mac font # */
- {
- int n;
- if(tb == 0){
- tb = (int **)NewHandle(0L);
- if(tb == 0)
- return(0);
- }
- n = GetHandleSize((Handle)tb) / sizeof(**tb);
- SetHandleSize((Handle)tb, (n + 1) * sizeof(**tb));
- if(MemError() != 0){
- DisposHandle((Handle)tb);
- return(0);
- }
- (*tb)[n] = f;
- return(tb);
- }
- char *
- fontfamily(f)
- int f;
- {
- switch(f){
- case 0: case geneva: case helvetica:
- return("swiss");
- case newYork: case times:
- return("roman");
- case monaco: case courier:
- return("modern");
- case symbol:
- return("tech");
- default:
- return("nil");
- }
- }